Determine Your Working Capital Requirements

Working Capital Requirements

Current Ratio
Current Working Capital
Required Working Capital

Working capital is the amount you have remaining when current liabilities are subtracted from current assets. Whether a business has enough working capital is measured by the 'current ratio', or current assets divided by current liabilities. Generally, a current ratio of between 1.2 and 2 is considered the sign of a healthy business. If your current ratio is below 1.2, its an indicator that your business might have difficulties paying its bills. If it is above 2, its an indicator that your assets are not being put to their best use.

Email Your Inputs & Results

Fintactix Financial Calculators support the ability to email inputs and results to designated recipients. This form is configured to simply email the inputs and results to the user. Alternative configurations can be set up to email a second email to a designated inbox in your contact center allowing our Financial Calculators to provide lead generation capabilities.