Loan Amount Calculator

Monthly Payment Information
Loan Amount
Down Payment
Principal & Interest
Taxes, Insurance & HOA
Total Monthly Payment
Monthly Payment Information
Payment Type Amount
Principal & Interest
Homeowners Insurance
Property Taxes
HOA Dues
Total Monthly Payment
Flagstar Bank partnered with Fintactix, a financial education company, to make this calculator available. This is for informational purposes only. The results are hypothetical to illustrate general scenarios. The calculator cannot determine that a specific Flagstar product is available to you or that it is the right solution for your circumstances. All Flagstar Bank products require an application and an approval process. Please contact us directly so we can assist you. Use of this calculator is not a substitute for and results cannot be relied on as investment, legal, tax or accounting advice. Please consult a tax advisor, attorney or other financial professional for personalized advice appropriate to your goals and circumstances. Flagstar Bank and our affiliates are not responsible for any content provided by unaffiliated third parties.

While mortgage lenders use lending ratios, such as the percentage of a borrower's debt to their income, in deciding whether to approve a loan, a borrower's household budget may determine how much they want to spend each month on housing. That monthly payment will determine how large a loan the borrower can expect to receive based on the term of the loan, down payment and interest rate. Other monthly expenses such as insurance, taxes, and HOA dues will also factor into the calculation.